Image in HTML element overflow Image in HTML element overflow google-chrome google-chrome

Image in HTML element overflow

You can achieve this result on Safari (I failed to achieve this on other browsers).


<html>  <body>    <div class="body-wrapper">      Content goes here    </div>  </body></html>


/* --- Reset rubber effect on the 'html' tag --- */html {    overflow: hidden;    height: 100%;}body {    height: 100%;    overflow: auto;}/* ------------ end reset ------------ */html {    background-color: white;    background-image: url("");    background-repeat: no-repeat;    background-size: 6%;    background-attachment: fixed;    background-position: 50% 10px;}.body-wrapper {    background-color: white;}

You must remove the default rubber effect on the html element (since you can't put graphic on the html parent element - there isn't an html parent).body has got a rubber effect and transparent background - lack of background is important since the rubber effect expand this colour and can overlap the Easter egg graphic. .body-wrapper has got background colour to hide the Easter egg.

Here you can see the effect (on the desktop it works only on Safari).

There is a cross-browser touch-friendly solution that every front-end developer should know: iScroll by Matteo Spinelli (

He created a cross-browser simulation of the rubber band effect, that is fully stylable. iScroll can be used for this purpose (as well as many others). I personally use it mostly to create overflow on divs in mobile devices, as they are normally not allowed.

Here is an old-school easter egg using a background image on the #wrapper: JIPPY....JIPPY JIPPY JIPPY!

PS. If you want something that works on 'regular' scroll-wheel scrolling, try this repo:

Try this, it may solve your problem (y)

html {    background: url(image.png);    overflow: hidden;    height: 100%;}body {    height: 100%;    overflow: auto;}