Incomplete Chunked Encoding Error Chrome / Specific PCs Incomplete Chunked Encoding Error Chrome / Specific PCs google-chrome google-chrome

Incomplete Chunked Encoding Error Chrome / Specific PCs

I was getting the exact same error "net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING" when accessing my PERL CGI script from an android phone. CGI page is being served from Apache 2.4.6 server.

To clarify the CGI script was working perfectly in IE/Chrome/FF and on Blackberry handset.

The fix was to specify the Content-length in the HTTP header to stop chunking from happening.

Here is my example, which I hope will be useful to someone as I searched online for pointers for almost two days without any avail.

#!/usr/local/bin/perluse CGI;use CGI qw( :standard );my $body = "Hello World";print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "Content-Length: " . length($body) . "\n"; print "\n"; print $body . "\n";exit 0;

In my case, the issue was being caused by an adblocker, (specifically, AdBlock on Chrome for Mac). Regardless, disabling AdBlock for the affected domain resolved the problem.

Take a look at your href linking to large files, and the Predict network actions configuration in Chrome.
