Is it possible to run Google Page speed from the command line? Is it possible to run Google Page speed from the command line? google-chrome google-chrome

Is it possible to run Google Page speed from the command line?

It's possible to use the PageSpeed Insights from the command line:

Install via: $ npm install --global psi

Usage: $ psi <url> --key=<key> --prettyprint=<true> --userIp=<userIp> --locale=<locale> --strategy=<desktop|mobile>

Run it like this: $ psi

PageSpeed Desktop Insights CLI

Also for mobile insights: $ psi --strategy=mobile

PageSpeed Mobile Insights CLI

UPDATE: You can use the PageSpeed Insights within your local development environment (internet connection required) with grunt + grunt-pagespeed + ngrok. Checkout the sample project for grunt-pagespeed and ngrok for further information.

Note: Run $ ngrok -authtoken <your-token> 80 and check the web interface parameters to make sure to set the right port in your Gruntfile.js!

There is a Google Page Speed API. It won't work directly from a command line but you can easily write a script in your language of choice that will interact with the API.

You can use curl to run PageSpeed from command line like so:

curl ""

It will return human readable results in json. cmd-F "score" to locate the overall score.

Reference : Official Google api.