JavaScript GetUserMedia using Chrome with localhost without HTTPS JavaScript GetUserMedia using Chrome with localhost without HTTPS google-chrome google-chrome

JavaScript GetUserMedia using Chrome with localhost without HTTPS

Add your IP address to Chrome's Insecure origins treated as secure setting.

  1. Go to chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure in Chrome.

  2. Find the Insecure origins treated as secure setting.

  3. Enable it.

  4. Enter in

  5. Relaunch Chrome.

  6. Voila!

enter image description here

See for a good walkthrough as well.

You can use a service like to map a public DNS address with SSL certificate to a port on your local machine.

I assume you're trying to host a Web service on a computer and access it from a smart phone using the hostname localhost.

Two options come to mind:

First, if your smart phone is rooted, you can change /etc/hosts so that the name localhost resolves to instead of to

Second, if you can run an SSH server on your computer, you can set up an SSH client on your phone to forward traffic on some port to another port on a different machine.

For example, in ConnectBot for Android, you can

  1. create a profile for your computer running an SSH server on
  2. long-press the profile, and select "Edit port forwards" and then "Add port forward" from the port forwarding menu
  3. configure it to "Local" and then choose a local source port that can be claimed by a non-root user on your phone (say, 8080) and on the bottom line, use localhost:80 (or whatever port the computer is running the service on) to make the SSH server have the forwarding tunnel direct to itself on port 80

This will cause all traffic directed at localhost:8080 on your phone to go to on your computer. The browser has no idea that the localhsot:8080 service is actually just an SSH tunnel to, so it will treat it like any other localhost address.