javascript - Google Chrome cluttering Array generated from .split() javascript - Google Chrome cluttering Array generated from .split() google-chrome google-chrome

javascript - Google Chrome cluttering Array generated from .split()

Don't iterate over arrays using loops!! This is one of the many pitfalls of Javascript (plug) - loops are for iterating over object properties only.

Use normal for loops instead.

for (var i=0, max = arr.length; i < max; i++) { ... } 

Firefox and Safari's ECMAScript/Javascript engines make those particular properties non-enumerable ({DontEnum} attribute), so they would not be iterated over in a loop. Still, loops were not intended to iterate over array indexes. is for iterating over enumerable properties of objects. For an array, to iterate over its indicies, just use a standard for loop

for ( var i = 0, l = arr.length, i < l; i++ ){  // do whatever with arr[i];}

Not directly relevant to this particular problem, but note that splitting strings with regular expressions has all sorts of cross-browser issues. See for more info, and for solutions.