Just what is <<pseudo:before>></<pseudo:before>> and is it useful to me? Just what is <<pseudo:before>></<pseudo:before>> and is it useful to me? google-chrome google-chrome

Just what is <<pseudo:before>></<pseudo:before>> and is it useful to me?

info: That's the The outerHTML attribute of the ::before pseudo-element in DOM.

As that element does not have any "real" content in it (it has could have a CSS content:'' property)...
...you only get the outerHTML when you copy (& paste)

I don't think and AFAIK, can't be emulate/simulate this pseudo-element directly in DOM.

Now.. outerHTML is supported in all mayor browser at these days... and with Javascript you can can have an approach emu/simulating, but I don't know if that's really your question.

Edit: Screenshot added so you can find the reference of outerHTML directly in Chrome DevTools.

#question-header h1:before {    content: 'Hi there! ';    color: red;}
