Karma/Testacular opens browser without extensions Karma/Testacular opens browser without extensions google-chrome google-chrome

Karma/Testacular opens browser without extensions

If you change the index.js like this:

this._getOptions = function(url) {    // Chrome CLI options    // http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/return [    '--user-data-dir=' + this._tempDir,    '--no-default-browser-check',    '--no-first-run',    '--disable-default-apps',    '--disable-popup-blocking',    '--start-maximized',    '--load-extension=' + '<your path to the extension>/2.0_0'].concat(flags, [url]);


<your path to the extionsion>

is something like this:

/Users/dannyb/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/hmhgeddbohgjknpmjagkdomcpobmllji

That weird number is the extionsion ID that you can find in your extensions page in chrome.

If you look at how chrome is run on karma, along with some other command line flags, it disables default appson start up. I myself am looking for how to turn these features off, but no luck yet.https://github.com/karma-runner/karma-chrome-launcher/blob/master/index.js