Kendo UI datepicker incompatible with Chrome 56 Kendo UI datepicker incompatible with Chrome 56 google-chrome google-chrome

Kendo UI datepicker incompatible with Chrome 56

Currently, the DatePicker wrapper renders INPUT element type "date". When the Kendo DatePicker initializes on the client it changes the type of the input to "text". Thus we avoid the native rendering of the "date" input. ​If the JavaScript is disabled, then the Kendo DatePicker will not be initialized and the input can be used as native one.

Unfortunately, some browsers with native support for "date" type (Chrome in particular) validate the set value and if it is not in the correct format (a valid full-date as defined in [RFC 3339]) then it is ignored. For now you can change the type the input to "text" permanently and avoid any issues related with the native inputs:

@(Html.Kendo().DatePicker().Name("datepicker").Value("10/10/2011").HtmlAttributes(new { type = "text" }))

I just add attribute type="text" based on the suggestion in kendo UI forum and it works for me.

Here's a link:

I able to fix this by adding a format to DatePicker(), try this

@(Html.Kendo().DatePicker() .Name("dateReturn") .Format("yyyy-MM-dd") .Value(DateTime.Today) .Min(DateTime.Today) ...............)