mySQL phpMyAdmin with Google Chrome: stuck on loading mySQL phpMyAdmin with Google Chrome: stuck on loading google-chrome google-chrome

mySQL phpMyAdmin with Google Chrome: stuck on loading

I had the same issue and it turned out to be some of my browser extensions. The easiest way to fix this is to basically disable them all (just to be sure) or do it the lazy way: run phpMyAdmin in incognito mode.

Typically when this issue occurs, phpMyAdmin has encountered an error and it sends a request to the server to the error_report.php endpoint, then when the response comes back it will send another request to the server to error_report.php, on and on and on forever. This places increased load on the web server, causing the CPU usage to increase quite a lot. If you're having this problem on localhost, after a short while you may hear your computer fan kick up a notch or two and get louder.

In one case this seemed to happen when some tables were locked and phpMyAdmin was trying to access them at the same time as another process. In another case, session or cookie data seemed to be corrupt/incorrect.

Solutions to attempt include:

  1. Logout from phpMyAdmin and login again
  2. Clear cookies in your browser, then refresh or reopen phpMyAdmin in your browser
  3. Restart mysql

Solution 2 worked for me in one scenario and solution 3 was required in a different scenario. In each case high CPU load was observed.

I had the same issue and turns out, i had a python console running where I had opened up an sqlalchemy session and querying against the same database. Im guessing the rows from the table got locked and when i was trying to do any operation from the phpmyadmin interface, the database was not responding

I killed the python console and phpmyadmin started responding as before.

> ps auxww | grep 'python' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs sudo kill -9

So long story short - check if there any other processes that have locked the tables in the database