navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition doesn't work on android google chrome navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition doesn't work on android google chrome google-chrome google-chrome

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition doesn't work on android google chrome

You can try this. It seems to work on my device (Samsung Galaxy Nexus running Chrome 27.0.1453.90 on Wi-Fi (no data connection, no GPS on))

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(    function(position) {         alert("Lat: " + position.coords.latitude + "\nLon: " + position.coords.longitude);    },    function(error){         alert(error.message);    }, {         enableHighAccuracy: true              ,timeout : 5000    });

The problem is that alert only takes strings (in it's original form) however you are passing 2 doubles. Modify the alert box for example to alert('Hey', 'Hello'); and the output will be only Hey. Change the , to + and you'll get the concatenated strings HeyHello. You can't use a + sign inside the alert as the equation will be first executed and then displayed.

Hope this makes it clear.

THERE IS A WORKAROUND: to watchPosition call, and wrapping this in a 5 second wait before clearing the watchID. Code below;

var options = { enableHighAccuracy: true, maximumAge: 100, timeout: 60000 };if( navigator.geolocation) {   var watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition( gotPos, gotErr, options );   var timeout = setTimeout( function() { navigator.geolocation.clearWatch( watchID ); }, 5000 );} else {   gotErr();}

I haven't played around with the "options" values or the timeout delay at the moment, but the above code brings back accurate positioning info on every platform I've tried.

Just finished testing a bunch of mobile devices and the Javascript Geolocation. I used the example code from Google in order to make sure that the problem is not in my own code.

Chrome for Android 4.4 does not seem to work with GPS-only location services and neither does the 2.3 stock browser. They both need "High accuracy" - the use of wireless and 3G/4G networks.

The funny thing is that Firefox for Android works without any problems GPS-only. Only the stock Android browsers (Chrome + Mobile Safari) fail with GPS-only location settings.

And the rest of the gang - Lumia WP8 with GPS, Windows and Linux (both with ADSL) worked perfectly with any location settings.