No Google fonts working in Google chrome No Google fonts working in Google chrome google-chrome google-chrome

No Google fonts working in Google chrome

You are getting an error message that explains a bit more. Try pressing F12, then click on the Console tab. You'll see the error message

[blocked] The page at ran insecure content from|Monda|Sacramento|Oleo+Script+Swash+Caps|Text+Me+One|Seymour+One|Cagliostro|Qwigley.

Chrome now displays this message when you fetch insecure content via HTTP when the main page is running HTTPS.

It should just be a matter of changing the font url from to to secure this link.

This is a security feature of the browser that blocks http content included from a host page served via https. The fix is simple: just remove the protocol from all resource URLs (scripts, stylesheets, etc.). In your case, the URL to the fonts CSS becomes


Notice that the URL has no http or https.