Not seeing all traffic incoming from a website in the inspector under the network tab? Not seeing all traffic incoming from a website in the inspector under the network tab? google-chrome google-chrome

Not seeing all traffic incoming from a website in the inspector under the network tab?

It using Web socket, you filter the request by WS and should see the latest ws connection.Click on it and sees the message for this socket.enter image description here

it was necessary to use a proxy like burpsuite in order to capture the sockets sent and received by the client / server here is the result it's about 72 request received in a single second

Burpsuite Websocket history

The website you suggested is using Websockets for communication.

To see WebSockets request in WS tab in Network inspector, You will have to open the console first then refresh the page.

The console needs to capture the initial handshakes when communication initializes. So if you open the website first then check the console, you may not find anything in WS.