onbeforeunload event on iframe is not triggered in google chrome, works in IE, firefox onbeforeunload event on iframe is not triggered in google chrome, works in IE, firefox google-chrome google-chrome

onbeforeunload event on iframe is not triggered in google chrome, works in IE, firefox

I found an ungentle method to fix it.In my parentPage which holds the domain "a.b.com":

<html><iframe id="OBU" name="OBU" src="c.d.com"></iframe><script>    window.onbeforeunload = function() {        window.frames["OBUI"].frames["SubOBUI"].location =                "a.b.com/demo.jpg?t="+(new Date()).getTime();    }</script></html>

In my "c.d.com":

<iframe id="SubOBUI" name="SubOBUI" src="a.b.com/demo.jpg"        onload="someMethodThatShouldBeExecutedWhileUnload"></iframe><script>    var someMethodThatShouldBeExecutedWhileUnload : function() {            alert(1);    }</script>

Have a try!

Seems it is an open issue in webkit (and not about to be fixed soon):


If anyone knows of workarounds, let me know.