Origin header missing from cross origin request to S3 on Chrome Origin header missing from cross origin request to S3 on Chrome google-chrome google-chrome

Origin header missing from cross origin request to S3 on Chrome

Before making the GET request for the font, Chrome would have sent a preflight OPTIONS request for the font resource. It is in this preflight request that Chrome would have sent the Origin header. S3's CORS policy would have returned the required Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in response to this preflight OPTIONS request.
Thereafter, Chrome would have made the GET request for the font -- the request that you have shown in the screenshot. Chrome would not send the Origin header in this GET request now. And as the screenshot shows, the request was successful (Status Code 200 OK). Also note the Amazon headers (starting with x-amz-) and Server: AmazonS3 present in the response.
It does seem that your site https://proximate.com would have received the font from Amazon S3. Was that not the case?

For more details please see the links https://spring.io/understanding/CORS and https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/cors.html.