Pass referrer data through chrome intent to google play Pass referrer data through chrome intent to google play google-chrome google-chrome

Pass referrer data through chrome intent to google play

Looks like it can be done by passing S.market_referrer=referrer_string

For example


I have not tested this, but there are some check-ins in the chromium repo for this, don't know if it is available in the current version of chrome.

This is a known issue that I am working with the team to get fixed. Someone in the past suggested that you can use intent://some_data_sent_to_app#Intent;scheme=app_scheme;package=package_name&referrer=referrer_string;end however the logic of this has never worked specifically because the Chrome browser (and Android Browser) look for a package id that is direct copy of the string which is parsed as package_name&referrer=referrer_string.

With the new scheme, you can pass arguments as extras to the App, but you must encode the URI as follow:

<a href="intent://whatever/#Intent;scheme=myapp;package=com.what.ever.myapp;S.myextra=mystring;end">Do Whatever</a>
