Possible bug with <select><option> value modification and Back button on Chrome Possible bug with <select><option> value modification and Back button on Chrome google-chrome google-chrome

Possible bug with <select><option> value modification and Back button on Chrome

I was having the same issue, and came across this issue while searching Google. For anyone else stumbling across this: I fixed the issue by setting 'autocomplete="off"' on the form. Of course, this may not be desirable for all situations.

I'm running Chrome 30.0.1599.101 on OSX 10.9. The web site is built using the Wicket framework (which uses jQuery for AJAX).

I found an simple workaround by creating a hidden text and just before a submit or change set it to the selected value.

Simple jQuery workaround.

$(document).ready(function () {    $("select").each(function () {        $(this).val($(this).find('option[selected]').val());    });})