problem with GWT 2.0 Chrome developer plugin problem with GWT 2.0 Chrome developer plugin google-chrome google-chrome

problem with GWT 2.0 Chrome developer plugin

I'm not sure that it's a bug in the developer plugin - it might be a limitation of the browser.

As your application grows more complex, the browser's stack size limit will eventually be reached. Some browsers have higher limits than others (see in various browsers). Safari has the highest as far as I know, and there's an official GWT developer plugin for it - at least on the Mac platform.

The plugin (on all platforms) adds considerable overhead to the stack (which is why this problem usually appears to go away in production) so if you wish to continue to develop your application in debug mode the best advice is probably to restructure your code. It's likely that you're trying to handle too much data on the client side at once.

It seems the Chrome plugin has issues with deeply nested and serialized objects in devmode. In my app, I send down a deep tree and it fails in Chrome but succeeds in Firefox.