Process.Start(url) broken on Windows 8/Chrome - are there alternatives? Process.Start(url) broken on Windows 8/Chrome - are there alternatives? google-chrome google-chrome

Process.Start(url) broken on Windows 8/Chrome - are there alternatives?

You may try to specify the Process filename "explorer.exe" explicitly, like suggested in the following thread:

var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("explorer.exe", url);Process.Start(startInfo);

Use the Launcher object to open URLs.


await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(""));

I've tried many a solution but as i'm in a UI project (wpf or winform) I ended up using an embedded browser control. Calling navigate, setting the url then target to "_blank" launches an external browser window.

_webBrowser.Navigate(uri, "_blank");

Hope this helps.DC