Protractor Testing (Using Selenium and Chrome on angular site) gives wrong x and y point Protractor Testing (Using Selenium and Chrome on angular site) gives wrong x and y point google-chrome google-chrome

Protractor Testing (Using Selenium and Chrome on angular site) gives wrong x and y point

In the actual test a simple is called and that is what is missing the button by about 50px

In this case, move to the element first and then perform a click:


Or, scroll into view of the element:

browser.executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", button.getWebElement());;

Note that getLocation() itself depends on the visible area - the viewport that a browser determines. It may be different in different browsers and different operating systems. See also:

And, you can actually get the viewport size and compare it on the browsers and systems you execute your tests on - I'm pretty sure you'll get different values, see:

You may also look into what getBoundingClientRect() returns in your case:

The Element.getBoundingClientRect() method returns the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport.

browser.executeScript("return arguments[0].getBoundingClientRect();", button.getWebElement()).then(function (rect) {    console.log(rect.left);    console.log(;});