React-native Android Systrace HTML is blank in Ubuntu 14.04 React-native Android Systrace HTML is blank in Ubuntu 14.04 google-chrome google-chrome

React-native Android Systrace HTML is blank in Ubuntu 14.04

As a temporary workaround you can use the following approach:

  • Save the .html dump file to disk
  • Open tab in chrome chrome://tracing
  • Load file in the tracing console

In Chrome 49 there was a warning about Object.observe being deprecated.

In Chrome 50 they finally removed it.

Unfortunately, the systrace in Android platform-tools didn't follow-up. In the latest version (I tried Android SDK platform-tools 24 rc2) it is still generating html reports with Object.observe in it, so starting from Chrome 50 we're not able to open any of the reports.

I guess one way is to use a pre-50 release of Chrome.

Simply adding

<script src=""></script>

to the head section of HTML document with trace makes it work in Chrome 50+