Ruby/Sinatra send_file not working Ruby/Sinatra send_file not working google-chrome google-chrome

Ruby/Sinatra send_file not working

I get it to work fine in chrome if I remove the initial slash in filename so it's "filename instead of "/filename. The 404 comes from a file not found error in send_file

# foo.rbrequire 'sinatra'get '/update/dl/:upd' do    filename ="uploads/#{params[:upd]}"    # just send the file if it's an accepted file    if filename =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]*.cer$/      send_file(filename, :filename => "t.cer", :type => "application/octet-stream")    endend

However, there's really a big security hole in this, a user can download anything that the sinatra process has access too, I named my sinatra app foo.rb and this request downloads the sinatra script:
