run Mac Chrome with command line arguments as a background process run Mac Chrome with command line arguments as a background process google-chrome google-chrome

run Mac Chrome with command line arguments as a background process

Put an ampersand on the end of the commandline.

alias chrome="/Applications/Google\\ Chrome &"

If you also don't want to see any of the debugging chrome outputs, redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null

alias chrome="/Applications/Google\\ Chrome 2>&1 > &"

On Mac, you can make this even simpler:

alias chrome="open /Applications/Google\ --args --disable-web-security"

Your second requirement makes this slightly trickier though. The & needs to be at the end of the commandline; but your second alias adds commands to the end of the first command - ie, after the ampersand - and so this doesn't work.

To get around this, we can redefine 'chrome' as a function.

chrome () {  /Applications/Google\\ Chrome $* 2>&1 &}

The $* means that any commandline parameters passed to the function will be inserted here, before the ampersand. This means you can still define your second alias as

alias chromex="chrome --disable-web-security"

This will be expanded out to

/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --disable-web-security 2>&1 &

BTW, this is just referred to as running "in the background". "As a daemon" would refer to a server process that runs whenever the machine is turned on, and is not tied to any user's session.

I defined alias on my .zshr (same for .bash_profile) like this:

open_by_browser(){ open -a $1 $2}alias firefox='open_by_browser firefox'alias chrome='open_by_browser "Google Chrome"'

then I can open html file by Firefox or Chrome

for example, by Firefox

firefox xxx/index.html

by Chrome

chrome xxx/index.html