Scrollbar problem with jQuery UI dialog in Chrome and Safari Scrollbar problem with jQuery UI dialog in Chrome and Safari google-chrome google-chrome

Scrollbar problem with jQuery UI dialog in Chrome and Safari

You can use this code : jquery.ui.dialog.patch.js

It solved the problem for me. Hope this is the solution that you're looking for.

I agree with the previous posters in that if the dialog is not working for you, it may be good to rethink your design. However, I can offer a suggestion.

Could you put the dialog content inside a scrollable div? That way instead of the whole page needing to scroll, just the content inside the div would need to scroll. This workaround should be pretty easy to accomplish too.

While I agree with, the folks in the party of not making a dialog that is bigger than the viewport, I think there are cases where scrolling may be necessary. A dialog might look very good in a resolution greater the 1024 x 768, but anything less looks crunched. Or say for instance you never want a dialog to show up over the header of your site. In my case I have ads that occassionally have flash z-index problems, so I never want dialogs to show above them. Finally, it is bad in general to take away any sort of common control, like scrolling, away from the user. This is a problem separate from how big the dialog is.

I would be interested in knowing why the those mousedown and mouseup events are there in the first place.

I tried the solution that alexis.kennedy provided and it works break without breaking anything that I can see in any browser.