Scrolling with tabbing not working in Chrome Scrolling with tabbing not working in Chrome google-chrome google-chrome

Scrolling with tabbing not working in Chrome

On Windows 8

Chrome: Scrolling with TABKEY does not scroll to make visible a row outside the tbody viewport correctly

Version 39.0.2171.95Version 41.0.2257.0 canary (64-bit)Version 41.0.2236.0 (64-bit)

Works correctly on IE 11Firefox 31.0

Herewith my solution tested with latest Chrome & IE11

        // rowObj is javascript <tr> element object        rowObj.addEventListener("focus", function( event ) {        console.log("focus visible row=" + event.currentTarget.sectionRowIndex);        if(event.currentTarget.sectionRowIndex === 0)            detObj.scrollTop = 0;                      //detObj is javascript <td>        else        if(event.currentTarget.sectionRowIndex > 4)    // is the max visible rows in <tbody>            detObj.scrollTop = 9999;                   // will focus on last row in <tbody>    }, true);

// If required I can supply javascript code to calculate number of visible rows in

Possibly Try Re-Installing Chrome, and/or try this same code on Safari. Maybe try a mouse, or use your trackpad if already using one.