Synchronous Ajax - does Chrome have a timeout on trusted events? Synchronous Ajax - does Chrome have a timeout on trusted events? google-chrome google-chrome

Synchronous Ajax - does Chrome have a timeout on trusted events?

What might fix this is opening the new tab before the XHR request returns and while you are still in the trusted context. Browser tabs and windows opened via Javascript maintain connections with the parent window and can communicate back and forth.

If you open a new tab when a link is clicked, you can show a loading screen in the new window while the XHR call runs. This workflow isn't quite as clean as your original request, but it would be a viable solution with some thought. The script below is just a quick example using window.setTimeout() to simulate an async XHR request.

<html><body>    <h4>    Hello    </h4>    <a id="openWindow" href="">Make http call and open window.</a>    <script src=""></script>    <script>        (function ($) {            var newWindow = null,                timeout = null;          $(document).ready(function () {            $('#openWindow').on('click', function (evt) {                evt.preventDefault();              newWindow ='about:blank', 'tempWindow');              $(newWindow.document).find('body').append('<div class="loading">Loading...</div>');              timeout = window.setTimeout(function () {                // simulates async XHR                $(newWindow.document).find('.loading').remove();                $(newWindow.document).find('body').append('Done loading, here\'s your data');              }, 5000)            });          });        }(jQuery));    </script></body>

Hello @ChristopherLörken. Can you give a example code or a fiddle of what are you doing? Maybe I'm not understanding what you want.

I think this will help:
If you need the event in your context, you can save the reference of the event for posterior use, like in a callback.Example using jQuery:

$(myBtn).click(function(ev){   var event = ev; //Save the event object reference   $.ajax({   // ... your options   success: function(res){     //do stuff with the event in the callback     console.log(event);   });});

In this way, you don't need call a sync request to use the event in your context and, as a async request, chrome don't complain with that. :)

Your problem is not with XMLHttpRequest, but with delay (sync delay, maybe bug in WebKit/Blink)

See example ( sandbox in Snippet don't allow pop-ups):

function performSlowSyncronousRequest() {    var endsIn, initial;    delay = 5000;    endsIn = new Date().getTime() + delay;    for (; endsIn >= new Date().getTime();) {}//Delay'');}<button onclick="performSlowSyncronousRequest()">Test case</button>

Note: that sjax (XMLHttpRequest sync) is considered obsolete by some browsers is very bad for the user experience.

I tried simulate click, but not work:

function clickFire(evt){	var el, evtFake, pos;	el = document.createElement("a");    el.href = "javascript:void(0);";    el.innerHTML = "test";	el.onclick = evt;	document.body.appendChild(el);	pos = el.getBoundingClientRect();	evtFake = new MouseEvent("click", {		bubbles: false,			cancelable: false,		view: window,		detail: 0,		screenX: window.screenX,		screenY: window.screenY,		clientX: pos.left + 1,		clientY: + 1,		ctrlKey: false,		shiftKey: false,		altKey: false,		metaKey: false,		button: 1,		buttons: 0,		relatedTarget: el	});	el.dispatchEvent(evtFake);	window.setTimeout(function() {		document.body.removeChild(el);	}, 1);}window.setTimeout(function() {	clickFire(function() {"");	});}, 1000);