The `--disable-web-security` command is seems no longer working The `--disable-web-security` command is seems no longer working google-chrome google-chrome

The `--disable-web-security` command is seems no longer working

Kill all instances and try again. Had the same problem today and after I killed chrome it works.

Open the task manager in your laptop or computer and try to kill all the existing chrome* instances in you system and run the shortcut with "\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --disable-web-security"

It always resets when you restart the laptop or computer so, you may need to do this step when you re-start the system.

extend disable web security command with --user-data-dir. This worked for me, more details are on >

Command I use in windows :

"C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Google Chrome.lnk" --disable-web-security  --user-data-dir