This site can't be reached error This site can't be reached error google-chrome google-chrome

This site can't be reached error

Here is what I did: I went to the project tab -> properties -> Web then clicked the create virtual directory and everything started working back normal.

Try this and it should work:

1-Go to your project folder and open .vs folder (keep your check hidden item-box checked as this folder may be hidden sometimes)

2- in .vs folder - open config

3- see that applicationhost config file there? Delete that thing.(Do not worry it will regenerate automatically once you recompile the project.)

link:localhost refused to connect Error in visual studio

In my case, it was not the application but what I was submitting. My form contained a file I was uploading and when I hit submit I would get that error. Turns out the file couldn't be uploaded because the file was in use. I just closed the file I was trying to attach and it worked.