"This webpage has a redirect loop" in Chrome but working fine on FF and IE? "This webpage has a redirect loop" in Chrome but working fine on FF and IE? google-chrome google-chrome

"This webpage has a redirect loop" in Chrome but working fine on FF and IE?

I appears that you are trying to redirect to the correct SEO-friendly URL, e.g. if I go to test/39454-foo.html, it redirects me to test/39454-~tara-past-tense-clause.html.

You compare the requested URI to the expected one and redirect if they do not match.

However, there are multiple ways of writing the same URI. Some browsers may send ~ urlencoded and some may not, for example.

So you should canonicalize both URIs before comparing them.

Double-check the redirection settings on your server. Add-on domains should not include "www." when being added. Without this, this will solve the redirection problem.

Check whether all Google's cookies are allowed in your cookie settings (especially see the Manage Exceptions window).