Unbound breakpoint - VS Code | Chrome | Angular Unbound breakpoint - VS Code | Chrome | Angular google-chrome google-chrome

Unbound breakpoint - VS Code | Chrome | Angular

The fix for this was simple, I hadn't set the sourceMap property to true in angular.json for that particular environment, instead I had "sourceMap": false,

See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/SourceMap for more info.

With thanks to Connor - https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-js-debug/issues/872

In my case I needed to change webroot


"webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}"

TO "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}\projectName"

Project name is the name you've given in the beginning ng new projectName

Then breakpoint bound.

For me, vscode setting:

Debug > Javascript: Use Preview which causes breakpoints to not hit by debugger.

Uncheck Debug > Javascript: Use Preview in vscode settings.

(or in settings/workspace json file) add:

"debug.javascript.usePreview": false