use chrome --print-to-pdf --headless to print html too quickly? use chrome --print-to-pdf --headless to print html too quickly? google-chrome google-chrome

use chrome --print-to-pdf --headless to print html too quickly?

I solved this problem by using a sweet nodeJS package called html-pdf-chrome that solves this problem by instructing Chrome to wait for either a timeout, a callback function to be called or a selector on the page to exist.

My code:

const PRINT_OPTIONS = {  clearCache: true,  printOptions: {    scale: 0.6  },  completionTrigger: new HtmlPdf.CompletionTrigger.Timer(5000)  // Give it 5000ms to render the HTML};async function outputHTMLToPDF(sourceHTML, outputFilename) {  console.log("Printing the html using Chrome...");  let pdf = await HtmlPdf.create(sourceHTML, PRINT_OPTIONS);  console.log("Saving the PDF to " + outputFilename + "...");  await pdf.toFile(path.join(DEFAULT_PRINT_PATH, outputFilename));});