Using jQuery.getJSON in Chrome Extension Using jQuery.getJSON in Chrome Extension google-chrome google-chrome

Using jQuery.getJSON in Chrome Extension

Alas, none of these worked, so I ended up doing the communication via the background.html.


<script src=""></script><script>function onRequest(request, sender, callback) {  if (request.action == 'getJSON') {    $.getJSON(request.url, callback);  }}chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(onRequest);</script>


chrome_getJSON = function(url, callback) {  console.log("sending RPC");  chrome.extension.sendRequest({action:'getJSON',url:url}, callback);}$(function(){  // use chrome_getJSON instead of $.getJSON});

If you specify "" in your manifest.json file you will not need to use the JSONP callback, script injection style of cross domain request.

For example:

"permissions": [""],

This should work beautifully in you code. I would remove the querystring parameter "&jsoncallback" as there is no JSONP work needed.

The reason why your current code is not working is your code is injecting into pages DOM, content scripts have access to the DOM but no access to javascript context, so there is no method to call on callback.

My impressions it that this fails because the jQuery callback function is being created within the 'isolated world' of the Chrome extension and is inaccessible when the response comes back:

I'm using Prototype and jQuery for various reasons, but my quick fix should be easy to parse:

// Add the callback function to the pages = new Element('script').update("function boom(e){console.log(e);}");$$('body')[0].insert(s);// Tell jQuery which method to call in the responsefunction shrink_link(oldLink, callback){    jQuery.ajax({        type: "POST",        url: "",        data: {            v: 3,            url: oldLink,            key: "5c8b1a212434c2153c2f2c2f2c765a36140add243bf6eae876345f8fd11045d9",            tool: "mKU7uN",            channel: "twitter"        },        dataType: "jsonp",        jsonpCallback: callback    });}// And make it so.shrink_link('', "boom");

Alternatively you can try using the extension XHR capability:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", true);xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {  if (xhr.readyState == 4) {    // JSON.parse does not evaluate the attacker's scripts.    var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);  }}xhr.send();