Vb script not working on Chrome or Firefox - only on Internet Explorer Vb script not working on Chrome or Firefox - only on Internet Explorer google-chrome google-chrome

Vb script not working on Chrome or Firefox - only on Internet Explorer

Client-side VBScript code only works on IE.

Chrome and Firefox, being more standards compliant, expect Javascript client-side code

It looks like your click handler is hiding/displaying something. This is quite easily achievable in Javascript with JQuery, eg this should hide 'elementid' when it is clicked:

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script><script>$(document).ready(function(){  $('#elementid').click(function(){    $(this).hide();  });});</script>

There is a Google extention called "IE Tab" which when used, will allow the VBScript to work as if it were running under IE. It will also allow the "style" attribute to work correctly.