Vimium - how to map vimium shortcut keys over chrome default shortcut keys? [closed] Vimium - how to map vimium shortcut keys over chrome default shortcut keys? [closed] google-chrome google-chrome

Vimium - how to map vimium shortcut keys over chrome default shortcut keys? [closed]

You currently cannot map any default Chrome shortcut keys defined already. That is unfortunately one limitation of Google Chrome Extensions API. The Extension team is familiar with such restrictions, and they have it on their queue for future APIs.

In the meantime, try to pick a shortcut that doesn't conflict.

Hope that kinda helped.

Actually David's answer should work somehow. Some may misunderstood, these commands are added in Vimium's Options Settings.

By the way, if you want to add and as scrolling full page up and down, just add the following in the "Custom Key Mapping":

unmap <c-f>map <c-f> scrollFullPageDownunmap <c-b>map <c-b> scrollFullPageUp

This works for me. Enjoy!

First unmap the previous shortcut,

unmap <C-u>map <C-u> scrollPageDown