Web Audio API Analyser Node Not Working With Microphone Input Web Audio API Analyser Node Not Working With Microphone Input google-chrome google-chrome

Web Audio API Analyser Node Not Working With Microphone Input

It was a variable scoping issue. For the second example, I was defining the microphone locally and then trying to access its stream with the analyser in another function. I just made all the Web Audio API nodes globals for peace of mind. Also it takes a few seconds for the analyser node to start reporting non -100 values. Working code for those interested:

// Globalsvar aCtx;var analyser;var microphone;if (navigator.getUserMedia) {    navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true}, function(stream) {        aCtx = new webkitAudioContext();        analyser = aCtx.createAnalyser();        microphone = aCtx.createMediaStreamSource(stream);        microphone.connect(analyser);        // analyser.connect(aCtx.destination);        process();    });};function process(){    setInterval(function(){        FFTData = new Float32Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);        analyser.getFloatFrequencyData(FFTData);        console.log(FFTData[0]);    },10);}

If you would like to hear the live audio, you can connect the analyser to destination (speakers) as commented out above. Watch out for some lovely feedback though!