WebGL Unavailable, GPU Process unable to boot WebGL Unavailable, GPU Process unable to boot google-chrome google-chrome

WebGL Unavailable, GPU Process unable to boot

Got the same issue, found a post about ignoring the hardware list of compatible materials. So, go to chrome://flags, and activate first option:

  • Ignorer la liste de rendu logiciel (in french)

  • Override software rendering list (english)


Tell me if it helps !

For anyone still showing WebGL unavailabe under chrome://gpu/ after enabling Override software rendering list at chrome://flags/.

Check further down at chrome://gpu/ under the topic: Problems Detected. If there is a mention about GPU access being disabled:

GPU process was unable to boot: GPU access is disabled in chrome://settings. Disabled Features: all

Navigate to:

chrome://settings/ > Advanced > Systems

And enable Use hardware acceleration.

Had the same problem when using sketchfab! In "Override software rendering list" I selected to show "disable", and everything looks ok now!!