webkitSpeechRecognition on Android Chrome webkitSpeechRecognition on Android Chrome google-chrome google-chrome

webkitSpeechRecognition on Android Chrome

I looked for a solution to this myself as I am trying to build a hands-free interaction with WebVR.

https://codepen.io/bryik/pen/mErOOR?editors=0010 at least only beeps once, but after a bit of testing I noticed, that the 'beep' for recognition triggers again on every click/tap.

An older resource gave me good hope, that annyang (https://github.com/TalAter/annyang) might work:

https://github.com/cvan/webvr-holodeck/issues/22But here I guess it's also only calling

recognition.onend = function() {    console.info("voice recognition ended, restarting...");    recognition.start();}

in the recognition.onend callback. So on android chrome you might encounter recognition beeps every other second...

In the end, MDN doesn't really state if it's possible to have continuous recognition on android chrome (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SpeechRecognition), but every example I looked at didn't quite offer continuous mode on android (at least on CyanogenMod Lollipop)

// edit if you have a look at https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services/en-us/speech-api , they somehow manage to have continuous recognition but I can't find anything in their source code...

Try setting:

recognition.continuous = false

No guarantee but this worked for me running on Chrome on a Galaxy S7