What is the difference between "Paint" and "Rasterize Paint" in Chrome dev-tools? What is the difference between "Paint" and "Rasterize Paint" in Chrome dev-tools? google-chrome google-chrome

What is the difference between "Paint" and "Rasterize Paint" in Chrome dev-tools?

According to this article :

you may hear the term "rasterize" used in conjunction with paint. This is because painting is actually two tasks: 1) creating a list of draw calls, and 2) filling in the pixels.
The latter is called "rasterization" and so whenever you see paint records in DevTools, you should think of it as including rasterization. (In some architectures creating the list of draw calls and rasterizing are done in different threads, but that isn't something under developer control.)

Rasterization is also the action of converting a vectorial image into a pixel matrix.