What network error could be responsible for Status (failed) and type Pending in Chrome? What network error could be responsible for Status (failed) and type Pending in Chrome? google-chrome google-chrome

What network error could be responsible for Status (failed) and type Pending in Chrome?

In my case, Adblock was denying the request (because it was a Twitter request and I block most Twitter things).

I'm getting this exact problem in Chrome and for me it was the Offline Cache that was causing trouble.

I have an asp.net html5 application designed for mobile usage with offline support. So I hade the manifest attribute like this:

<html manifest="Manifest.ashx">

And I had an ashx handler that served the manifest file dynamically. For developing I had deleted the the manifest attribute on the main page but I had another page that was seldom used that had the manifest attribute. The latest files in the project (one image, and two js-files) had not been added to the manifest. When I visited the other page and went back to the main page the files missing in the manifest was starting to fail in the logs, no friendly error message, just type: pending and "failed". And this was just testing on Chrome on the desktop, no going offline.

Adding the files to the manifest list solved the problem for me.

My specific issue was solved by upgrading from Varnish 3.0.2 to 3.0.3.