Why border is not visible with "position: sticky" when background-color exists? Why border is not visible with "position: sticky" when background-color exists? google-chrome google-chrome

Why border is not visible with "position: sticky" when background-color exists?

I faced the same problem. My workaround was to use the :after pseudo element to emulate a bottom border.

th:after{  content:'';  position:absolute;  left: 0;  bottom: 0;  width:100%;  border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.12);}

seems like to force a reflow will partially help :

table {  border-collapse: collapse;}thead {  position: sticky;  top: 0;}th {  border-right: 5px solid red;  transform:scale(0.999);}
  <table>    <thead>      <tr>        <th>First</th>        <th>Second</th>        <th>Third</th>      </tr>    </thead>  </table>