Why does Chrome auto-close links to my site with target of a new window? Why does Chrome auto-close links to my site with target of a new window? google-chrome google-chrome

Why does Chrome auto-close links to my site with target of a new window?

Simply check the value of the window.name property:

if (window.opener && window.name === 'authPopup') {    window.opener.location.reload();    window.close();}

Additionally, you can also validate the URL of the opener, so that other websites will not be refreshed when they open your site in a window called "authPopup". Since the pages are at the same domain, you can also set a variable in your original window, so that the page does not refresh when the user navigates away, to another page.

There's a mysterious issue with the copy of jQuery attached to the page on line 23:

 <script src="/assets/application-21790dbf22ce0f60b3dc6f16af392f76.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Replacing the contents of this file with the current version of jQuery from jquery.com fixes this issue, or you can use a CDN hosted copy:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

Tested this fix with a downloaded copy of your page.

The rouge jQuery script is minified so it's near impossible / really stupid to figure out what's actually wrong with it... Major difference I see is that the broken copy contains window.close() while the current copy of jQuery doesn't. Might be a broken plugin.


On further inspection, this fixes the issue, but reveals another: changing page in the slider closes the opened tab. Are you pulling in remote content to the carousel elements? I'm stumped too now!