Why does Chrome DevTools show multiple garbled versions of my source code for my Vue application? Why does Chrome DevTools show multiple garbled versions of my source code for my Vue application? google-chrome google-chrome

Why does Chrome DevTools show multiple garbled versions of my source code for my Vue application?

What tool in dev tools are you using to get that list? Seems like a list of cached files, so it's showing all the old versions of your code.

If you go to the network tab and reload the page. You should see a list of all the resources downloaded by the browser. Choose the js filter and you should see your vue js bundle (made by webpack) somewhere in that list.

To allow chrome to display the source correctly you need to generate the Source Maps in development deployments.

I am not sure what tool you are using to build and bundle, but it is likely that you might have support for this already.

Chrome Details:https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/javascript/source-maps/