Why does Google Chrome not show base64 encoded images? Why does Google Chrome not show base64 encoded images? google-chrome google-chrome

Why does Google Chrome not show base64 encoded images?

This is a bug in Chrome, see bug #105725. The base64-string has to be padded. The following solution works fine: http://jsfiddle.net/TunfH/ (I have added == at the end).

<html><head><style type="text/css">.minus{    width: 11px;    height: 11px;    background-image: url("");}</style></head><body><div class="minus"></div></body></html>

Your base64 data is invalid, I believe you meant


Which seems to work just fine in Chrome and Firefox [ what I have access to ]

I am guessing that Chrome has a slightly more strict base64 implementation and requires the padding.

Your problem is that you have "//" which you need to "escape" in order to avoid the err_invalid_url warning you see in the console

So take your:


And convert it to


And the it will show properly

The same solution should be used if the image starts with a "/" replace it with "%0a/"