Why does my Manifest.json shows "Page does not work offline" Why does my Manifest.json shows "Page does not work offline" google-chrome google-chrome

Why does my Manifest.json shows "Page does not work offline"

Your service worker might not have event listener for fetch event.Which is basic requirement for PWA.

Just add:

 self.addEventListener('fetch',() => console.log("fetch"));

to your service worker or add fetch listener according to your requirement.

To get more info follow:https://developers.google.com/web/ilt/pwa/lab-caching-files-with-service-worker#3_serve_files_from_the_cache

Your site doesn't install a service worker. Without a service worker offline will not work.

I had similar issue with service worker and the latest Chromeadd "offline_enabled": true to manifest.json to solve it