Why does this dropdown list for sorting work in Internet Explorer but not in Chrome? Why does this dropdown list for sorting work in Internet Explorer but not in Chrome? google-chrome google-chrome

Why does this dropdown list for sorting work in Internet Explorer but not in Chrome?

Well, you need to make sure all your stuff is encoded correctly, and I'm guessing you aren't. We would need to see much more of your page to determine that. IE is probably detecting that you've done it incorrectly and attempting to fix it for you, while Chrome isn't auto-fixing your mistake.

It gets pretty complicated as to the rules of when you do and don't need to escape stuff. It's in a HTML page, and everyone knows you need to escape & in HTML pages, but it's in a script tag, so do you or don't you need to escape it? Well that depends if you also have the script tag in a CDATA element or not.

The simple solution is to avoid doing that. Put the URL you want to switch to on the [name=a] element as a data tag like so:

<sometag name='a' data-urlprefix='@(this.Model.SortUri)@(this.Model.SortUri.IndexOf('?') == -1 ? "?" : "&")a='>stuff</sometag>

Then in your javascript:

$("[name=a]").change(function () {    window.location.href = $(this).data('urlprefix')+encodeURIComponent(this.value);});

This also has the benefit of moving the server processing stuff to just the HTML parts, so that you can put the javascript in it's own file, which you should be doing anyhow.

  • Note that you should be urlencoding this.value if it isn't already as well, so I've done that. If it is already encoded, you can safely remove it. I've also changed window.location to window.location.href because window.location can do strange things sometimes as well -- encoding on some browsers, but not on others, etc.

You just need to make the entire string as part of your Html.Raw(build ou the logic outside and directly insert that variable here)

Please check this post

Why is Html.Raw escaping ampersand in anchor tag in ASP.NET MVC 4?