Why does this XML file not display anything? [duplicate] Why does this XML file not display anything? [duplicate] google-chrome google-chrome

Why does this XML file not display anything? [duplicate]

Depending on XSLT constraints of the browser you use you may see nothing.

I tested your files locally using Chrome 19.0.1084.46 and Firefox 3.6.22.

In Firefox I could view it with no problems, but in Chrome I saw nothing.

When I opened the console tab at developer tools in Chrome it show this message:

Unsafe attempt to load URL file:///temp/web/catalog.xsl from frame with URL file:///temp/web/catalog.xml. Domains, protocols and ports must match.

Then, I started my Tomcat and deployed the 2 files and when I accessed the xml from Chrome voilĂ , it shows everything as expected.

I'm guessing that you are accessing it using file:/// and this is related to this issue Bug 397894