Why has Chrome on Android's native HTML5 date picker become really slow? Why has Chrome on Android's native HTML5 date picker become really slow? google-chrome google-chrome

Why has Chrome on Android's native HTML5 date picker become really slow?

See crbug.com/441060 . You can avoid this slowness by specifying min= and max= attributes.

For a bit more info, I did some playing around with setting no min/max, max only, and min and max. Each has different behaviour/performance.

No min or max - clicking in Android will be very slow

<input type="date">

Max only - clicking in Android will set your default value to 01/01/0001 - the first day ever. Not useful

<input type="date" max="1979-12-31">

Min and max - default date is today, and it loads very quickly!

<input type="date" min="0001-01-01" max="9999-12-31" >



For anyone using this solution with Angular, please note that a min date in the year 0001 will not work. It seems that the year 100 is the lowest Javascript will allow...