Why website printed with Chrome is using mobile layout? Why website printed with Chrome is using mobile layout? google-chrome google-chrome

Why website printed with Chrome is using mobile layout?

The Verge isn't using a mobile layout for printing. It's using its own print layout. If you inspect the page whilst emulating a media of print you'll see a load of media="print" declarations. This is loaded in through the HTML:

<link href="..." media="print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

If you want a website to look different when printing than it does on mobile, simply specify screen within your mobile media queries:

@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {    ...}

When printing, the screen declaration will be ignored, thus completely ignoring your mobile media query.

Just add this to your style sheets

@media print {  @page {    size: 330mm 427mm;    margin: 14mm;  }  .container {    width: 1170px;  }}