behaviour in chrome tabs/windows behaviour in chrome tabs/windows google-chrome google-chrome behaviour in chrome tabs/windows

Chrome automatically opens a URL in a new tab only if it's user generated action, limited to one tab per user action. In any other case, the URL will be opened in a new window (which, BTW, is blocked by default on Chrome). must be called within a callback which is triggered by a user action (e.g. onclick) for the page to open in a new tab instead of a window.

In your example, you attempt to open N tabs upon user action. But only the first one is opened in a new tab (because it's a user generated action). Following that, any other URL will be opened in a new window.

Similar question: force to create new tab in chrome (see answer by maclema)

I came across this question What is the (function() { } )() construct in JavaScript? which gives explanation on IIFE. I think this can be used over. Please bear with me I don't have deep knowledge about javascript. But I tried as below and its working.

var sites = [{"url" : ""} , {"url" : ""} , {"url" : ""}];console.log(sites);for( var i=0 ; i < sites.length ;i++) {    (function(i) {        console.log(i);[i].url , "_blank");    })(i);}   

It opens the url in new tabs in chrome.