windows chrome refresh tab 0(or current tab) via command line windows chrome refresh tab 0(or current tab) via command line google-chrome google-chrome

windows chrome refresh tab 0(or current tab) via command line

I use this myself: (I wrote is quickly as it was only for personal use). With a lot of clean up you might be able to get what you want. See

import urllib2import urllibimport osimport subprocessimport jsonfrom websocket import create_connectiondef refresh_page(url):    data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost:9222/json'))    found_page = False    for page in data:        if page['url'].lower() == url.lower():            found_page = True            websocketURL = page['webSocketDebuggerUrl']            ws = create_connection(websocketURL)            obj = {  "id": 0,                     "method": "Page.reload",                     "params":                     {                       "ignoreCache": True,                       "scriptToEvaluateOnLoad": ""                     }                  }            dev_request = json.dumps(obj)            ws.send(dev_request)            result =  ws.recv()            ws.close()    if not found_page:        raise Exception("No pageFound")def open_or_refresh(file_name):    file_name = "".join ( [f if f in r'\/:*?"<>|' else  urllib.quote(f) for f in file_name] )    file_name = 'file:///' + file_name.replace('\\', '/')    file_name = file_name.encode('ascii', 'ignore')    try:        refresh_page(file_name)    except:        cmd = (r'"%(LOCALAPPDATA)s\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"'%os.environ               + r' --remote-debugging-port=9222  "%s"' % file_name)        subprocess.Popen(cmd)open_or_refresh(r"C:\test.html")open_or_refresh(r"C:\test.html")