With Silverlight disappearing from Chrome 45, what are my alternatives? With Silverlight disappearing from Chrome 45, what are my alternatives? google-chrome google-chrome

With Silverlight disappearing from Chrome 45, what are my alternatives?

Well it seems there is a solution ! I have tried IETab with Chrome Canary (v45) and the dev channel (v46) and even with Silverlight support dropped from those version, the extension allows my application to work flawlessly !

I have reached the support of IETab and they have confirmed Silverlight will continue to work with their plugin when Chrome officialy release version 45.

Try it out :https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ie-tab/hehijbfgiekmjfkfjpbkbammjbdenadd?hl=en

EDIT : As of today, September 3 2015, Chrome 45 is out and IETab still works.